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Ok girls and boys, here it is:
Wu Shu Kwan @CERN is back!


If you want to get stronger legs, arms, abs, butt, get killer stamina, increase your explosiveness, learn how to defend yourself against bad people, and also have FUN and move around a bit (cause let’s face it, we’re sitting way too many hours in front of a monitor), come over!!


Level: From beginners to senior belts!


Martial Art: Wu Shu Kwan (WSK), Chinese Boxing


Description (from the official WSK website):

"[...] Translated from the Chinese language, Wu means martial or fighting; Shu means the art, the way or the method; and Kwan (or Guan in Chinese pinyin system) means a centre or an association. Put together, Wu Shu Kwan therefore means Chinese Boxing Centre, i.e. Academy of Martial Art.


Some people may be more familiar with the term Kung Fu rather than Chinese Boxing. Both these terms describe more or less the same thing; however, Kung Fu (meaning skill or time in the main) usually refers to the flowery, piecemeal and sometimes irrelevant type of Chinese martial art on the screen, whereas Chinese Boxing originated from the oldest name used by non-Chinese to describe the systematic and pragmatic self-defense art of China. Indeed, some practitioners liken Kung Fu to fireworks for display and equate Chinese Boxing with the real dynamite.


Wu Shu is not Wu Shu Kwan: the former is a dynamic dance-like demonstrative art, whereas the latter is a style (or school) practicing real martial art for fitness and self-defense. If Wu Shu represents a chemical element called hydrogen, then Wu Shu Kwan converts this powerful element into a mighty hydrogen bomb. [...]"


For more info on Wu Shu Kwan please go here



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Updated 27July2020

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